Valuable Financial Advice for Divorcing Couples

Mission Statement

To empower our clients with the knowledge, support and guidance they need to navigate their divorce with confidence.

A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) specializes in the financial issues surrounding divorce.

As a CDFA based in Charlotte, Barbara delivers professional financial expertise that helps you negotiate an equitable divorce solution. While your attorney provides legal counsel, Barbara thoroughly analyzes your financial matters including tax consequences, asset distribution, retirement plan division, and more. She will help to build a strong financial case that supports your best interests.

Barbara provides divorce-related financial analysis and planning services regarding:

A critical part of every divorce, this process involves taking an inventory of all jointly held assets and liabilities and determining how these assets can be divided equitably. At Bell Divorce Advisors, we do that, keeping your short-term and long-term income needs foremost in mind.

The process of dividing up your pension plans and 401k’s isn’t as easy as finding an equitable split. You need a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (or QDRO). A CDFA can help you craft one that checks all the legal and financial boxes.

While you may think keeping the family home as part of your divorce is the best option, there’s much more to consider than home value and nostalgia. You need a plan — one that takes your entire financial picture into account — and we can help.

These payments — paid to the spouse who cares for the children most of the time — are intended to maintain your children’s standard of living after divorce. They can include contributions toward future medical or dental expenses, summer camp or college tuition. We can offer recommendations and strategies to address all of that and more.

This is one of the more complex financial decisions to be made during divorce, and it involves determining how much of your spouse’s Social Security benefits you’re entitled to, both now and in the future. We can walk you through all the options and guide you toward what’s best for you.

Depending on the settlement you come to, the death of a spouse can have a devastating impact on your finances. Bell Financial Advisors can help you determine if you need a life insurance policy on your spouse, to ensure you and your children are secure no matter what.

Just as you share in the financial assets you’ve built throughout your marriage, you also share in the debt. That debt can be divided, with each party committing to pay off certain portions and to indemnify each other should someone default . We can help you reach a settlement that holds everyone accountable.

Also referred to as alimony, this is financial support that is awarded to the spouse who earns less money, and it varies, depending on a variety of factors such as the length of the marriage and child custody arrangements. Each marriage is different, and we can help you determine an amount that is fair to both parties.

We invite you to schedule an appointment today to discuss your specific situation in detail. The initial consultation is $150, which will be applied towards your account if you choose to move forward with her as your personal CDFA. Barbara is located in Charlotte, NC, but is licensed nationwide. You may schedule a Zoom appointment or you can reach her by phone at (704) 820-8393.

For individuals seeking CDFA assistance, Barbara works with clients with a combined minimum of $500,000 in assets, not including their home value.